Banana Chiffon Cake & Cream Puffs

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Had some very ripe bananas laying around, and i needed to use them quickly before they go to the bin. Hence, Banana Chiffon Cake.

My first attempt in making chiffon cakes since i learnt few years back.
It came out alrite.
The taste is flavorful yet not too sweet.
Texture wise, I think i've added a lil too much bananas because it was slightly moist.


Sometimes, i have the URGE to just bake something, ANYTHING-right now!
-but didn't want to drive out to get ingredients-
Went to check the pantry, Nothing much left.
First thing which came to my mine is Choux Pastry
  • Flour (Checked)
  • Butter (Checked)
  • Eggs (Checked)
  • Water (Checked)
The batter turned out runny when i piped them, and i thought I'm gonna get flat Cream "Puffs"
After awhile, i went back to check the oven and to my surprise, the choux pastry all puffed up really round and nice.
The baking fairy must be around.


Mash said...
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Mash86 said...

how to say... ur creampuff de egg... a little bit more d... if can - a little bit.. then will b nicer... but not everytime u bake, the egg u use is still the same de...

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