Pretty in Pastels

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lemon cakes with Buttercream icing.
I'm not a fans of buttercream myself as i find them too sweeet for my liking.

Wilton Decorating Course 1

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

So glad that I've finally enrolled myself to Wilton Cake Decorating Course 1 at Wisma ICCA, Sunway Damansara.

Besides Wilton Courses, they also provide other Baking, and decorating class like Mini Cakes workshop and Sugarpaste Flower Workshops.

They also sell lots of imported Baking utensils and ingredients which are not easily found around Malaysia. One example is Meringue Powder.

Do check out their--> WEBSITE for more details.

So far, I've done 2 out of 4 sessions for Course 1.

During out first lesson, we were introduced to all the important tools in cake decorating and the right way to use them.

Besides that, we were taught how to ice a cake with buttercream smoothly, storing of cakes and buttercream, basic things like that.

For lesson 2, we were asked to bring an iced 8-inch round cake. We learnt how to pipe stars, zigzags, wavy lines, and words using the plain round tip 3, and star tip 16.

Towards the end of lesson 2, we're required to do a Rainbow cake using the Pattern transfer method.


excuse my lameless to write "Rainbow" there.
I couldn't think of what to write then.

Banana Chiffon Cake & Cream Puffs

Had some very ripe bananas laying around, and i needed to use them quickly before they go to the bin. Hence, Banana Chiffon Cake.

My first attempt in making chiffon cakes since i learnt few years back.
It came out alrite.
The taste is flavorful yet not too sweet.
Texture wise, I think i've added a lil too much bananas because it was slightly moist.


Sometimes, i have the URGE to just bake something, ANYTHING-right now!
-but didn't want to drive out to get ingredients-
Went to check the pantry, Nothing much left.
First thing which came to my mine is Choux Pastry
  • Flour (Checked)
  • Butter (Checked)
  • Eggs (Checked)
  • Water (Checked)
The batter turned out runny when i piped them, and i thought I'm gonna get flat Cream "Puffs"
After awhile, i went back to check the oven and to my surprise, the choux pastry all puffed up really round and nice.
The baking fairy must be around.

Playing with Pastry Dough

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Made a big quantity of sweet shortcrust pastry dough.
On the first day, I turned some into Egg custard tarts.

Tried out 2 recipes I found for the egg custard, but I'm not really satisfied with the results.

One turned out tasting too egg-y, whereas the other one is too sweet and diluted.

Will keep trying!

Decided to make some fruit tarts with the leftover dough.
I can only find fresh dragonfruit and grapes at home So i also used those cut mix fruits from a can.

For the filling, i used instant custard as usual, and for a finishing touch, the fruits were glazed with some jelly.

So much time and work needed to make these tartlets, but they're well worth it.

Sweet Buns

Thursday, October 8, 2009

It has been some time since i last baked breadssssss.

Decided to make some sweet buns. Filled some with butter+sugar mixture, and left the rest plain.

Before Baking

After Baking

Looking at those round puffy buns, i decided to make them look like rabbits by cutting ears and use red food coloring for their eyes.

But i cut the ears too short so they ended up like fat little hamsters. >.<

They're still cute though.

Academia: Week 6

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Starting from this week onwards, there's no more Cooking which means no more going home with uniform smelling like I've been drowned in Oil from the deepfryer.
The Spotlight is now on Desserts.
*Double Yum*

The first dessert which we made in class is a very commonly served warm dessert in buffet, the Bread and Butter Pudding. Well, we used normal white bread and not Baquette simply because the school didn't provide us with that.

But, I was satisfied with the end result. It's even better when served with the warm Zabaglione Sauce, that at one point i thought They should marry each other.

Individual serve of Bread and Butter Pudding - accompanied with Zabaglione Sauce

The next dessert we made in class is the Vanilla Bavarois, a type of set custard. I personally love this because of it's texture and tasted not overwhelmingly sweet. Coffee Anglaise, Vanilla Anglaise, and Caramel Mousse is some other things we've made. The Coffee and Vanilla Anglaise were made into ice-creams using an Ice-cream maker. I didn't have pictures of those, but feel free to ask for the recipe.

Vanilla Bavarois

The next dessert is also a very popular dessert, the Creme Caramel. It came out Normal, just the way how a creme caramel should look, taste, and smell like. Nothing out-of-the-ordinary, But it's worth trying it out.

Creme Caramel


Recipe: (Makes about 6 - depending on the size of ramekins used)
90 g Caster Sugar

75 ml Water

500 ml Milk

75 g Caster Sugar

2 Large eggs

Vanilla Essence & Orange Zest (Optional)


1. Heat up Sugar (90grams) and water into a saucepan to make Caramel. When the colour is golden amber, it's ready. Pour equal amount into Ramekins.

2. Next, Heat up the Milk, Sugar (75grams), and orange zest. When warm, add in some vanilla essence.

3. In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs and about 2 tbsp of caster sugar until pale.

4. Pour the warm milk mixture slowly into the Egg mixture while whisking, making sure not to cook the eggs.

5. Strain the mixture into ramekins, and put the ramekins in a deep baking tray with hot water covering at least half of the height of the ramekins. Cover the baking tray with foil, and bake it in preheated oven at 170 degree celcius.

6. Check after 25 minutes. Shake the ramekins, and if the sides of the creme caramel is set but the center part is slightly wobbly, then it's done. Chill the Creme caramel in the fridge until they're ready to be served

7. When chilled,Run a knife along the sides of the ramekin, and turn out the creme caramel onto a serving dish.


Thats all for now.


Giraffe Cafe

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Location: Giraffe Cafe, 302, Little Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
I came across this Cafe at Little Lonsdale Street, and it's called Giraffe Cafe. The cafe has a very comfy and warm feel to it. Totally love the ambience. It has all the little stuffs on displayed which I find really interesting. One of them is a old-antique-looking typewriter. The deco in the cafe is very simple. Nothing fancy at all, but that's what made the place felt so home-y.

Food there is not bad at all, just like the deco, Simple and straight forward. I love the risotto with pistachio. *Double-Yum*

Of course, Good food is never complete without good company. *Aww*

Academia - Week 5

Without realizing, it's another week gone! I don't really like Week 5 menu. Lots of frying to do. (All the oil and heat)

Anyways, here's what I've done in class.

The first dish is Lambs fry and Bacon, which apparently, is a popular dish in Australia, especially among elderly. The lambs fry is actually Lamb's Liver. Erh, it's the first time I've tasted it, and it tasted like...any other liver, i think. (shrugs) It's served with Ratatouille, which is Eggplant,Zucchini, Red and Green capsicums, and other type of vege stewed in a Tomato-based sauce. HAHA. I deepfried my green capsicums to be used as a garnish.

Lambs fry and Bacon - served with Ratatouille and Onion Rings

The second dish is Parmesan crusted veal cutlets, which i don't find really interesting because it's just a simple crusted veal, just that parmesan cheese is added to the crumbs for coating. Nothing-much-special about this dish.

Parmesan cheese-crusted Veal Cutlets

I've also made some American Fried Chicken, which is Chicken coated with Flour and some Paprika and Turmeric. It's quite good to be served as an appetizer, or with Beer *Grins*

MY-FAVOURITE dish of the day is the BEER BATTER onion rings. The batter is so good. It came out crunchy and coated the onions nicely. Love IT!!

American Fried Chicken and Beer-Batter Onion Rings

Goodnights, and thanks for dropping by!

Pink Gumpaste Roses

Sunday, May 24, 2009

I've been practicing with my gumpaste roses again. This time in Pink =))


Academia Week 4

It was a busy day. Cooking, Kneading, Baking, Whisking................and WASHING. Haha. Anyone who has lived with me will definitely know i will be rather cleaning the toilet than to wash dishes. I don't know why. I just don't like it. =))

For week 4 at Academia, we are required to cook a porterhouse steak, roast a sage chicken maryland, some bread rolls, CREME BRULEE, and CARAMELIZED BANANAS. *yum*

I love the steak cooked to medium rare. With it just seasoned with some salt and pepper, It tasted not bad at all.
I forgot to take a picture of the sage chicken, and porterhouse steak before presenting them to my lecturer. =(( The chicken couldn't be mended because he took quite a big piece off and I can't be bothered to snap a picture of that. But i tried to put the porterhouse steak back into how it was. Haha. but this is already my best effort.

New-york cut Porterhouse steak cooked to medium rare- served with roasted potatoes and pumpkin
I love soft bread rolls, but those I made in class today are those which have crusts. Not my favourite bread recipe, but it is still good to me. They tasted sOOOOOOOO much better when i eat them at home with butter (and a sprinkle of sugar). HEHE. I can't live without my bread with butter and sugar.
Savoury Dinner rolls
LAST BUT NOT LEAST - my favourite dessert Creme Brulee, and caramelized bananas. Haha, maybe I don't have much luck with creme brulees. This is the second time I'm made creme brulee. The first time, it was overcooked, and this time around, I've undercook it a little. Timing is really important to make that smooth custard.
As for the bananas - no fancy ingredients, just your butter and and brown sugar can become such a treat.
Vanilla Creme Brulee - served with Cream Chantilly
Makes 4 Creme Brulee:
372 ml of Cream (35% Fat)
1tbsp of Vanilla Essence
100grams of Castor Sugar
4 egg yolks
1. Boil a pot of water to be used for water bath.
2. Warm the cream in a saucepan (Do not overboil them)
3. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until a sauce consistency. (which is light and pale in colour)
4. When cream is warm, add in the vanilla essense.
5. Slowly pour the warm cream into the egg mixture, while whisking them quickly.
6. Return to heat, and let the mixture warm up a little. When the mixture can coat the back of a wooden spoon, they are ready.
7. Strain the mixture into a jug, then pour them into ramekins.
8. Place the ramekins in a baking tray. The boiling water has to be covering at least half way up the ramekins.
9. Bake them in a preheated oven at 160. Check after 30 minutes. Tap the ramekins. If it wobbles in just the center part, it is ready.
10. Refrigerate them until ready to be served. Before serving, sprinkle some sugar on the surface and using a torch, burn the sugar to caramelize them.

Caramelized Bananas - served with Cream Chantilly (Ice cream can be used too)

For 1 Banana:
20 grams of Unsalted Butter
20grams of Brown Sugar
A pinch of cinnamon (Optional)


1. In a pan, melt the butter, then add in the brown sugar.
2. Under medium-low heat, wait until the sugar melts and form a caramel.
3. Peel and slice the banana. Put it into the pan. Allow the sauce to coat the bananas, and let them sit for a little on each side to form a caramelized layer. Serve them hot with Cream or Ice cream.

That is all for today.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I've been absent from my practical classes for 2 weeks now, so there's no update from Academia.

But But But, here's what I've done at home, for Rachel's Birthday.

Oven-baked herbed Chicken, with Mashed potato, and a Salad with French dressing

Sweet Chili deviled-egg with cracked pepper, served with bacon chips caramelized with brown sugar
Besides that, what I've done this week is practicing the gumpaste roses. I don't think I have much luck with gumpaste or fondant, because my hands are always too warm despite the cold weather.

That's all from me this week! Stay tune, I'm so looking forward to this week's practical class because I'll be making my favourite Creme Brulee-which will be served with caramelized bananas. What can be better than that?

*Candy rubs her palm excitedly*


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Welcome to

This is where I keep track of everything I've baked, cooked, chopped, mashed, saute, grill, sliced,...and maybe burnt.

Here's some of the things I've made so far.

Smoked salmon Canape with fish roe

Potato Croquette

Crumbed Chicken: Academia Week 1

Chocolate Cupcakes with Coffee Buttercream

Gumpaste Bear

Pink Bow Fondant Cake

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